Survey request – Summer 2018 IT BRM/IT Business Partnering Forum


Gilbert Scott Associates is an active member of the IT BRM/IT Business Partnering community and our six monthly forum in partnership with Baxter Thomson Associates has continued to grow since its inception in October 2015. The next session will take place on Thursday 21st of June, kindly hosted by NFU Mutual in Warwickshire. The forum will be our biggest yet with 100 delegates anticipated. In terms of format this has yet to be finalised but we’re expecting to include a keynote speaker, a real life case study presentation and various smaller breakout sessions in the afternoon.

However, to ensure the day is a relevant as possible the ever growing committee responsible for organising the event wanted to reach out to our networks to seek their thoughts on what would make the day worthwhile. With that in mind, we’ve devised a simple survey ( which if you have the time, we’d be very grateful if you could complete and share with your own network.

As I hope you recognise, the IT BRM/IT Business Partnering role continues to evolve and mature, however the network within the UK is still limited. We believe such forums are vital to help address this and your input (even if you’re unable to attend) will help ensure the most value can be obtained from the event
